Selected sites and resources are presented for 15 of the most common skin problems. Criteria for selection includes richness of content, credibility, trust, absence of bias, and absence of commerce, and all sites have been vetted by dermatologists. Skin problem links presented are:
Acne | Birthmarks| Eczema | Hair Disorders | Herpes Simplex |
Herpes Zoster | Lentigenes | Melasma | Psoriasis | Rosacea | Seborrheic Dermatitis | Skin Cancer | Sun Damage | Vitiligo |
Wound Healing
If you feel you have a content-rich site that fits the criteria of our selection process please submit a link for consideration.
Acne |
Medline Plus: Acne
A complete online resource from the US National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of health, with information on treatment, prevention, genetics, research, pictures, and diagrams. |
HealthBoards Acne Bulletin Board
Contains a variety of discussion threads with topics ranging from diet and medications to blackheads and pimples. |
Acne Clinical Trials in the U.S.
This is a comprehensive list of all the clinical trials currently underway conducting acne research. Provided by the U.S. National Institutes of Health. |
Birthmarks |
Vascular Birthmarks Foundation
A support and informational resource for individuals affected by hemangiomas, port wine stains, and other vascular birthmarks and tumors. Online discussion forum, group information and informational community. |
Nevus Network
Provides a network of support and information for people with a large brown birthmark called a giant congenital nevus and/or an associated condition called neurocultaneous melanosis. |
American Academy of Dermatology Birthmarks Page
Information on macular stains, hemangiomas, and port wine stains, with descriptions and treatment overviews. |
Eczema |
Eczema Canada
An informative eczema resource for Canadians, with information on adult and child eczema, treatment, questions, as well as an Eczema Challenge quiz. |
The Eczema Society of Canada
A Canadian resource site with definitions, a referency library, tips & facts, treatment regimens, news & articles, and a kid's corner. |
Penny's World
Child-focused information site using an animated girl as guide. Includes downloadable books, a playroom, and eczema faqs and links. |
Medline Plus: Eczema
A complete online resource from the US National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of health, with information on treatment, disease management, specific conditions, and related issues. |
National Eczema Association
Offers improved health and quality of life for individuals with eczema through research, support and education.
Eczema Clinical Trials in the U.S.
This is a comprehensive list of all the clinical trials currently underway conducting eczema research. Provided by the U.S. National Institutes of Health. |
Talk Eczema
Information, personal stories, eczema care, treatment information, and a bulletin board. |
Eczema Parents Circle
A Yahoo Health Group which shares experiences of caring for a child with eczema. |
Hair Disorders |
National Alopecia Areata Foundation
A content-rich site with information on research, news, and conferences. They host a bulletin board as well as support groups throughout North America, and have contact emails and phone numbers for support group leaders. |
Medline Plus: Hair Diseases and Hair Loss
A complete online resource from the US National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of health, with information on diagnosis, symptoms, treatment, genetics, and research. |
International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery
The society has excellent resources ranging from hair loss patient stories and brochures to information on surgical and medical hair restoration. They maintain a large searchable database of physicians who specialize in hair restoration. |
Medline Plus: Alopecia Education
Excellent Flash-based interactive education module with 51 voice narrated slides discussing anatomy, types of hair loss, causes, and treatment. |
Herpes Simplex - Cold Sores and Genital Herpes |
Herpes Resource Centre
The American Social Health Association offers learning, emotional issues, a hotline, support groups, publications, news, and a blood test guide. |
Medline Plus Cold Sores Education
Excellent Flash-based interactive education module with 56 voice narrated slides discussing signs, stages, infection, outbreaks, treatment, self-care, and prevention. |
HealthBoards Herpes Bulletin Board
Contains a variety of discussion threads with topics ranging from
STD testing and medications to outbreaks and ulcers. |
Herpes Zoster - Shingles |
Shingles Vaccine: What You Need To Know (PDF)
In 2006 a vaccine was discovered and approved for shingles in the U.S. The Center for Disease Control has produced this excellent PDF summary of the vaccine and the associated benefits and risks. |
Medline Plus Shingles Education
Excellent Flash-based interactive education module with 44 voice narrated slides discussing chicken pox, causes, symptoms, complications, diagnosis, and treatment. |
Herpes Zoster Clinical Trials in the U.S.
This is a comprehensive list of all the clinical trials currently underway conducting herpes zoster research. Provided by the U.S. National Institutes of Health. |
Lentigenes - Pigmentary Disorders |
eMedicine Lentigo
Dr. Robert Schwartz presents a scientific overview of lentigenes, with clinical observations, histologic findings, and a comparative analysis of retinoids and bleaching creams. |
DermNetNZ Lentigo
Excellent overview of lentigenes, with photographic comparison of clinical features and links to recommended treatments - acids, vitamins, retinoids, peels, and lasers. |
Doctor's Guide Lentigo Articles
For the physician, here is an excellent list of recent articles on lentigo, including research, treatment, and clinical studies, from a variety of industry publications. |
Melasma - Pigmentary Disorders |
eMedicine Melasma
Dr. Andrew Montemarano presents a scientific discussion of melasma, with a comparative analysis of depigmenting agents, antibiotic agents, and retinoids. |
American Academy of Dermatology Melasma Page
A short summary of causes, diagnosis, and treatment, along with a few photographs, including an interesting UV photo highlighting affected areas. |
Wikipedia Melasma
Complete information on melasma with symptoms, cause, diagnosis and treatment. |
DermNetNZ Chloasma
Clinical features are complemented by a complete treatment overview.
Psoriasis |
A comprehensive online psoriasis information resource, encompassing symptoms, treatment, triggers, minimizing flare-ups, and psoriatic arthritis. |
Medline Plus Psoriasis Education
Excellent Flash-based interactive education module with 56 voice narrated slides discussing symptoms, causes, diagnosis, types, treatment options, topical treatment, phototherapy, and systemic therapy. |
National Psoriasis Foundation
Site devoted to information about psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis; list of support groups. |
The Psoriasis Association
UK site includes information about children and psoriasis, UV treatments, and more, most in downloadable PDFs. |
Psoriasis Help Organisation
Complete information on causes, types, and treatment, along with a discussion forum. |
Rosacea |
The American Academy of Dermatology posts a comprehensive online rosacea information resource, with signs, symptoms, treatment, minimizing flare-ups, and recommendations on when to see a dermatologist. |
The National Rosacea Society
Provides information for patients and physicians, publishes the Rosacea Review newsletter, offers information on the classification and grading of rosacea. |
Rosacea Guide
Resource centre with rosacea basics, skin care, medical treatment, and surgical/laser treatment information. All content is created and reviewed by dermatologists. |
Seborrheic Dermatitis |
Treatment of Seborrheic Dermatitis
The American Academy of Family Physicians has a complete article on seborrheic dermatitis with clinical manifestations accompanied by several photos and a comparative analysis of treatments available sorted by product, dermatitis location, and procedure. |
Seborrheic Dermatitis FAQs
Contains an in-depth exploration of traditional treatments - topical and oral coricosteroids, topical and oral anti-fungoids, de-scaling agents, topical immunodilators - as well as a long list of 31 alternative treatments and results from studies using them. |
A support site with articles, photos, and a bulletin board, created as a place for people with sebhorrheic dermatitis to meet, share experiences, and provide emotional and spiritual support for each other. |
Skin Cancer |
The American Academy of Dermatologists has a complete minisite on skin cancer, with symptoms, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and skin examination information, along with recent articles and news releases. |
Skin Cancer Foundation
Comprehensive information about skin cancer and related topics, such as sunless tanning. |
Cancer Care
A national nonprofit organization that provides free, professional support for anyone affected by cancer. A variety of online support groups are hosted, and the site has different entry points depending on if you are a patient, a family member, or a healthcare professional. |
Canadian Cancer Society
A content-rich site with many levels of information about cancer, prevention, research, support & services, volunteer options, and publications. Specific sections of the site deal with different types of skin cancer, exploring early detection, risk factors, stages, treatment, and questions to ask your healthcare team. |
Medline Plus Skin Cancer Education
Excellent Flash-based interactive education module with 89 voice narrated slides discussing the skin, cancer, skin cancer, causes and prevention, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. |
Skin Cancer Clinical Trials in US
There are currently over 900 clinical trials being conducted in the U.S. studying skin cancer, and this list describes each one and you can also select a map of locations. Provided by the U.S. National Institutes of Health. |
Sun Damage |
Sun Damage Clinics
An informative site with several pages on sun damage, sun damaged skin, prevention, and an overview of over-the-counter and medical treatment. |
SkinInformation.com Sun Damage
SkinCareGuide has many pages on sun damage, including an overview, what it looks like, protection, treatment, and a variety of sun care tips from dermatologists. |
Sun damage: The true price of tanning
The Mayo Clinic offers a good introduction to sun damage, including first signs of skin damage, photoaging, serious skin damage, and keeping your skin healthy. |
Sun Damaged Skin
A nicely designed introduction to sun damaged skin. Minimal content, but attractive design. The "At Risk" section has an excellent enlargeable photo with small blow-ups of skin damaged areas. |
Vitiligo |
National Vitiligo Foundation
A large and informative site, with current research, treatment duidance, patient studies, support groups, photo gallery, and more. |
American Vitiligo Research Foundation
Raises awareness, educates and supports not only patients but also family members. Networking, literature, newsletter, information and referrals, yearly seminars, billboards and public service announcements. |
Vitiligo Support International
Provides social support, information and resources to people affected by vitiligo. Active message boards, chats, international physician directory, and "Just for Kids" page. |
Wound Healing |
Wikipedia Wound Healing
Wikipedia has a large amount of information on wound healing, with very scientific and detailed descriptions of the inflammatory phase, the proliferative phase, and the maturation/remodeling phase of wound healing. |
Cuts, Scrapes and Stitches: Caring for Wounds
FamilyDoctor.org has an excellent page on cleaning, bleeding, bandages, scabs, and when to call a doctor. |
eMedicine Wound Care
WebMd's eMedicine site has an excellent article by Richard Stillman on the management of chronic wounds, with general and specific information on factors that adversely affect wound healing, along with comparative descriptions of different wound dressing materials. |