: Resources & Conferences
Alaska Telemedicine Working Group Skin and Soft Tissues Section
Alexis Sidoroff's Laser Homepage
Association des Dermatologistes du Québec
Atopic Dermatitis Information Server
BoDD - Botanical Dermatology Database
Breaking Dermatology News
Canadian Medical Association, Clinical Practice Guidelines for Dermatology
Centers for Disease Control
Clinical Dermatology 2000
CliniWeb International
Cutaneous Drug Reaction Database Gopher at Dartmouth
D@nderm, Danish Info on Dermato-venereology
(Danish with some English.)
Dept. of Dermatology - University of Iowa College of Medicine: E-Mail List Services
Dermaplace (Brazil)
(Portugese. Some English and Spanish.)
Dermatology in the Cinema
Dermatology Resources (Erlangen)
DermIS - DOIA Dermatology Online Atlas
an online resource - for all things SKIN !
The Electronic Textbook of Dermatology
eMedicine: Dermatology
Emergency Medicine and Primary Care (EMBBS) Clinical Photograph Library
Evaluating On-line Health Information
Galaxy - The professional's guide to a world of information: Dermatology
Harvard Skin Disease Research Center
HealthWeb Dermatology Page
Hellenic Dermatology Pages
Hellenic Society of Dermatology & Venereology
Indiana University Dermatology Cases
Large Gopher site of dermatology resources
Martindale's Health Science Guide - Dermatology
Medical Matrix Guide to Dermatology
MedWebLit: Dermatology
Multilingual Glossary of technical and popular medical terms in nine European Languages
NIOSH - Occupational Dermatoses:
Index of slides
NIWA Lauder
(UV/Ozone information. New Zealand.)
Occupational Skin Infections
Ombrelle / L'Oreal Suncare Research
OMIM: Searchable inheritable diseases database
OMNI: Organising Medical Networked Information - gateway to biomedical resources
RxDerm Archives
RxList: The Internet Drug Index
Skin Cancer Updates
(American Acadamy of Dermatology.)
Skin Cancer Education
(Loyola University.)
Skin Channel: The electronic extension of The Chronicle of Skin & Allergy
Stanford Blistering Disease Clinic
SUN - FX 365
- Because you need sun protection all year long.
Sun protection L'Oreal
SunSmart Protective Fashions
The Australian Photobiology Testing Facility
Universität Freiburg Center for Documentation of Severe Skin Reactions
(German and English.)
Web Resources in DermatoEpidemiology
& Meetings
Lists and Search Engines:
P\S\L Consulting Group's list of Conferences and Meetings
SearchCME: Search for a medical conference
8th World Congress of Photodynamic Medicine
05-Jun - 09-Jun-2001