Dermatologic Surgery WITH THE ONLY TRAINING PROGRAM in micrographic surgery in Canada that has been approved by the American governing body, the Dermatologic Surgery Clinics are part of The Centre's surgical training program. In addition to micrographic surgery for skin cancers, the clinics are a referral centre for other dermatologic surgery procedures. UBC Hair Clinic A REFERRAL CENTRE OFFERING clinical expertise for patients with significant hair problems. Innovative therapies for various scalp and hair diseases are also being studied, and the program is integrated with collaborating laboratories capable of assessing, among other things, markers of immune activity. HairTransplant Centre
A CLINIC AFFILIATED WITH the Division of Dermatology at the University of British Columbia, The Centre specializes in the latest techniques for the treatment of hair-related medical problems including mini and micro grafting. Follow this link to visit the Hair Transplant Centre Web Site.
Human Papilloma Virus Clinic A REFERRAL CLINIC FOR THE ASSESSMENT AND TREATMENT of patients referred by a dermatologist for innovative therapies for the treatment of problem warts. The HPV Clinic is linked to laboratories capable of specifically typing HPV virus and assessing host immune response. Immune Modulation Clinic A REFERRAL CLINIC FOR THE MANAGEMENT of patients requiring drugs that modify the immune response. The Clinic participates in trials of innovative new agents. Lions Laser Skin Centre
ACTIVE IN LASER RESEARCH, and laser education, the Lions Laser Skin Centre uses state-of-the-art lasers for the treatment of vascular, pigmented, and other lesions. The Centre is supported by The BC Lions Society for Children with Disabilities. Melanoma Clinics APPROXIMATELY 400 PATIENTS EACH YEAR are assessed and followed up through the Melanoma Clinics based at the BC Cancer Agency. The Skin Care Centre provides the administrative base for the Canadian Melanoma Foundation, which is active in the support of research and education. Patch Test Unit ONE OF THE LARGEST CONTACT DERMATITIS CENTRES in North America, the Patch Test Unit conducts over 30,000 patch tests per year. Specific research interests also include excipient dermatitis and dermatitis caused by environmental substances. Photodermatology Unit THE PHOTODERMATOLOGY UNIT is a leading centre for research in the photodynamic therapy of skin cancers and other skin conditions, and is also a referral clinic for the assessment and treatment of light sensitivity disorders. Pigmented Lesion Clinic A REFERRAL CLINIC FOR THE ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT of problem pigmented lesions and for melanoma screening. Psoriasis & Phototherapy Clinic
WITH MORE THAN 30,000 PATIENT VISITS PER YEAR, the Psoriasis & Phototherapy Clinic provides outpatient UVB and PUVA therapy as well as a Psoriasis Day Care Program.
Wound Healing Clinic A REFERRAL CLINIC FOR PATIENTS with problem skin wounds, the majority of which are leg ulcers resistant to standard therapy. The teaching program at the Clinic includes instructing Home Care Nurses on proper ulcer care. |