prevalence estimated at 1-3% of the population
positive family history in 30% of patients; inheritance is
can develop any time during life
basic defect in psoriasis is unknown
psoriasis is a chronic immunologic disease of the skin characterized by
cutaneous inflammation and epidermal hyperproliferation
in psoriasis, it takes 3-4 days for a keratinocyte to transit from the
basal layer to the
surface where it is shed; this process takes » 28 days in normal skin
one of the current leading theories is that the epidermal
hyperproliferation is secondary
to the cutaneous inflammation
key role for T h1
cells (type 1 T helper cells which produce interferon-g and IL-2)
psoriasis is known to be aggravated by environmental factors:
- Koebner
- infections:
- group A streptococcal infections can precipitate acute guttate
- psoriasis may be precipitated or worsened by HIV infection
stress: can be difficult to distinguish between stress that worsens
psoriasis from psoriasis that causes stress
- alcohol and drugs:
- prednisone: can cause severe flare up of psoriasis after
- beta blockers, lithium (plus many others)
- any cutaneous drug eruption can Koebnerize psoriasis

- Clinical:
- key features
- sites of predilection
- variants of
- guttate psoriasis
- inverse
- pustular
erythrodermic psoriasis
- Pathogenesis:
koebner phenomenon
- Complications
- Treatment
- Micropathology
