Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this section and without lecture notes, the student
will be able to
- list six viral, six bacterial, and three fungal pathogens that commonly cause skin
- define and describe (where appropriate) common clinical
presentations and features, natural history, and common complications for the following
viral skin infections:
- roseola infantum (exanthem subitum)
- herpes simplex
- varicella-zoster
- molluscum contagiosum
- human papilloma virus infection
- rubella
- rubeola
- erythema infectiosum
- categorize the common cutaneous manifestations of Human
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and provide three examples for each category
- define and describe the following bacterial infections of the skin
under the headings of causative agent(s), common clinical presentations, natural history,
and common applications (where applicable):
- impetigo - bullous and nonbullous
- ecthyma
- cellulitis
- folliculitis and furunculosis
- scarlet fever
- Staphylococcal scalded-skin syndrome
- toxic shock syndrome
- meningococcal infection
- erythrasma
- pseudomonas - localized cutaneous and systemic
- syphilis
- Lyme disease
- define and describe the following fungal diseases of the skin within the categories of
causative agents, common clinical presentations, and basic diagnostic tests:
- superficial dermatophyte infection
- deep fungal infections - blastomycosis, coccidioidomycosis,
- candidiasis - cutaneous and systemic
- cryptococcus
- pityrosporum
- define and describe the following skin infestations within the categories of causative
agents, common clinical presentations and complications: