Skin Infections and Infestations |
Viral Infections

1. Roseola infantum (exanthem subitum)
Etiology: |
Human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) |
Clinical features: |
Incubation 10-15 days, fever 39.5-40 °C, lasts 3-5 days As temperature
falls, rash appears |
Rash: |
Discrete rose-pink maculopapules, neck and trunk, fades 1-2
days |
Complications: |
Febrile convulsions not uncommon |

Herpes simplex

Herpes simplex

Herpes simplex

Herpes simplex

Herpes simplex

Herpes simplex
2. Herpes simplex
Etiology: |
Herpesvirus hominis (HSV 1,2) |
Clinical features: |
Primary Gingivostomatitis (usually HSV
1) |
Incubation: |
4-5 days
Fever, malaise, sore throat
Gums swollen, red |
Rash: |
Vesicles followed by ulcers with a yellowish pseudomembrane |
Recovery: |
Within 2 weeks. Recurrent herpes labialis occurs frequently. Herpes
lesions arise in clusters in one area. |
Herpes genitalis (HSV 1, 2) |
Most often following sexual contact |
Rash: |
Vesicles followed by superficial ulceration: glans penis, vulva,
vagina, or cervix |
Recurrent infection: |
More frequent with HSV 2; on average 3-4 recurrences per year. Vesicles
smaller size, closely grouped on a red base, heals 7-10 days.
Triggered by trauma, other infections |
Complications: |
Keratoconjunctivitis, inoculation herpes simplex (herpetic
Whitlow), eczema herpeticum, systemic infection with possible encephalitis |


Herpes zoster
3. Varicella (chickenpox) and Zoster (shingles)
Etiology: |
Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) |
Varicella |
Clinical features: |
Incubation 14-17 days, may have mild fever |
Papules, vesicles, pustules with red areolae (crusts)
Vesicles appear in crops over 2-4 days, most numerous on trunk |
Complications: |
Rare in healthy people aside from secondary infection
Pneumonia especially in adults, encephalitis, Reye's syndrome |
Prevention: |
a) Zoster immune globulin (ZIG) for immunosuppressed
children must be given within 3 days of exposure
b) Prevention: Live attenuated vaccine for VZV, now HPB approved as of
1999 |
Zoster |
Clinical features: |
Pain is first manifestation, secondary to viral induced
inflammation in sensory root ganglion |
Onset 1.4-3.2 days later
Papules, vesicles grouped, in a band along 1 or 2 dermatomes |
Recovery: |
2-4 weeks |
Complications: |
Motor involvement, ocular, post-herpetic neuralgia |

Kaposi's sarcoma
4. Kaposi's Sarcoma (Herpesvirus-Associated) HHV-8
- DNA sequences from an agent, formed in Kaposi's sarcoma lesions in HIV-positive and
HIV-negative patients have homology to herpesviruses
- Because this herpesvirus-like nucleic acid is distinct from known herpesviruses, it
indicates a new member of the herpesvirus family